X.509 Certificate (S/MIME) for nt@konfidas.de (valid from 2018 to late 2020)

X.509 certificate (S/MIME) for nt@konfidas.de. fingerprint:


X.509 Certificate (S/MIME) for nt@konfidas.de from 2020 to late 2022

X.509 certificate (S/MIME) for nt@konfidas.de. fingerprint:


X.509 Zertifikat (S/MIME) für nt@konfidas.de - used untill October 2018 (legacy)

X.509 Zertifikat (S/MIME) für nt@konfidas.de - used untill October 2018 (legacy) Fingerprint:


Root-certificate of the CA for konfidas (valid from June 2018)

This file contains the root certificate of the CA. The fingerprint (SHA-256) of the file is:

B7 C7 52 4F C8 E2 DB 58 9B 3F DB 86 02 04 B4 92 BD C9 CC 7A 53 32 2D 5A 53 CE 9E 87 B8 93 68 DD

Root-certificate of the CA of konfidas before - used untill June 2018 (legacy)

This file contains the root certificate of the CA that has been used until June 2018. It has been replace for technical reasons. The fingerprint (SHA-256) of the file is:

E4 65 70 C5 90 CC 5E 61 31 95 97 49 55 38 A5 13 6E E8 47 E5 AA 87 B3 05 DB 94 2F 83 A3 33 E0 F0

Root-certificate of the mail SubCA of konfidas (used since June 2018)

This file contains the certificate of the subCA for mail of konfidas. All S/MIME mails from konfidas.de after June 2018 should be signed by a certificate from this subCA. The fingerprint (SHA-256) of the file is:

84 43 76 0A 63 6B 1A BC 72 EA 75 FB 3A BF 8E 39 B7 ED CF FB 4B E2 B9 CB A8 43 B2 97 AA 36 33 92

Root-certificate of the mail SubCA of konfidas as used before June 2018

This file contains the certificate of the subCA for mail of konfidas before June 2018 (legacy). The fingerprint (SHA-256) of the file is:

A1 C3 A4 9B 9C E8 FC 9D CF 10 8F EB 21 2A 7A 6C 22 89 A2 1B A6 AD 28 BD 3D 7E FE 4E 83 0A CC BF